Sneha Rao

DSCB rotation student
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
I grew up in Boston but moved across the country to UC Berkeley for undergrad. After graduating with a Molecular and Cell Biology degree in 2019, I joined the Sneddon Lab at UCSF, where I used human embryonic stem cells to engineer pancreatic islet organoids for use in pancreatic disease modeling and cell replacement therapy for Type 1 Diabetes. My passion for stem cell biology motivated me to join the UCSF Developmental and Stem Cell Biology PhD program. In my Crouch Lab rotation, I’m working to characterize neurovascular progenitor populations to understand their role in Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage. Outside of lab, you can find me playing the violin or cozying up with a good book and a cup of tea. Sneha is now a graduate student in Orion Weiner's lab (UCSF).